Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Natural High

Anthony J. Sylvester
CEO ABC Bartending Schools
3419 North Dixie Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334

Recently the Sylvester family on a return trip from New York had a 2 hour layover in Orlando, Florida. When Tony Jr. overheard 2 men talking about ABC Bartending Schools. AJ then went to his mother and told her what he had overheard. Karen, Charlee and AJ then approached both men and asked them if they were talking about ABC. As it turns out, one of the men was a student who had just graduated that week from the ABC campus in Orlando. His name was Javier Oramas and he was telling his friend what a great time he had at the school. Karen then introduced herself and explained who she was to which Javier complemented the program and instruction at ABC. Karen then called Tony in Fort Lauderdale and told him of this great experience. Wow, how much better can it get for a father to have his son and family at an airport overhear people singing the praises of his company. It was a 'natural high' as they say when Karen called me from the airport in Orlando and told me the story.