Cordials and Liqueurs
Fernando Barone
Director- NYC ABC Bartending Schools
500 Eighth Avenue #801
Manhattan, NY 10016
These terms are interchangeable: cordials and liqueurs are products obtained by mixing fruits, flowers, plants or pure juices. Liqueurs and cordials are sometimes classified according to their basic ingredients; plants, fruits and cremes. In the herb, seed and plant liqueurs there is usually no single dominant flavor that will be distinguishable more so that others. The cremes are so called because of their consistency and usual have a primary flavor. Example: creme de menthe
Director- NYC ABC Bartending Schools
500 Eighth Avenue #801
Manhattan, NY 10016
These terms are interchangeable: cordials and liqueurs are products obtained by mixing fruits, flowers, plants or pure juices. Liqueurs and cordials are sometimes classified according to their basic ingredients; plants, fruits and cremes. In the herb, seed and plant liqueurs there is usually no single dominant flavor that will be distinguishable more so that others. The cremes are so called because of their consistency and usual have a primary flavor. Example: creme de menthe
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